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Health Post for New Year Party


Hello.. wish you all a happy new year in advance.. I’m sure most of you would have already made new year’s plan, few of you would already be on you way to celebrate the weekend.

On New year’s eve many people stay awake for long, eat everything and anything; and then they end up falling sick. Here is a small, simple post which you can have a quick look at, if you avoid these things, your chances of falling sick reduces a lot, and you can enjoy the night very well, and start the year on a healthy positive note.

  • Indoor Party – Preferable choose the party with indoor venue, rather than an open ground or pool side etc. staying indoors prevents you from the cold winds of late night.
  • Sleep well – Most of the New years parties will stretch till 3-4 am. A sleep deprived body has the highest chances of falling sick. If you plan to stay awake till 4am, try to have a afternoon sleep before the party starts. Or have a nap in the evening before the party.
  • Be Hydrated – this is most neglected thing during a celebration. Remember we need 2L water minimum in normal days, but if you are staying awake for long, dancing etc – you will require more water than normal. Consciously make sure to drink atleast 3L water on that day.
  • Children – Take special care of children. They need adequate sleep. Most of the kids will get tired if they are awake for long, or dance a lot. Keep them well fed, hydrated and rested.
  • Alcohol – I would always advice to have a party without smoking/alcohol; but many people do indulge in drinking. For them I would advise to drink to the minimum. Many people drink occasionally and New year’s eve is one of that occasion, but I would say that you should avoid alcohol completely. You may feel it will be only a one time thing, but it wont take time that it becomes a habit soon.
  • Juices/Cold drinks – The weather is too cold – avoid colored mocktails, juices, cakes etc – chances of having a allergic cough would increase
  • Then what to Eat?? – try sticking to warm food like – starters, rice, pasta etc. Or packed foods like chips, peanuts etc.
  • Driving – Strict no drink and drive. But do not drive if you are too sleepy and exhausted. Hire a cab or sleep at the friends house and move out the next morning.
  • Make sure you rest well after the party, eat home food the next day, stay hydrated and are ready to start the year on a good positive, healthy note.

Hope you follow these simple tips and have a memorable night. Do let us know how was your new year’s eve, and if our suggestions helped you or no.

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