10th October was world Mental Health Day.
In today’s world, we are more focused on taking care of our physical body, looks, figure, skin etc. But our mental health has been seriously neglected. Our today’s generation has low self-esteem, shallow relationships, give over importance to material possession. Most people are sad, depressed even suicidal.
Following is the list of the things, you can do to make sure you are in a happy, stable state of health. There are 10 different options, you may not be able to follow all of them, choose any 5 options that you would like to do. Sincerely follow those 5 things for the next 3 months, and notice the change.
10 tips for Happy Mental Health.
- Books – Books teach us many things. They help us understand various viewpoints, educate us about different cultures, time periods; one can learn many things by reading inspirational books. Cultivate a habit of reading at least 1 book per month.
- Religion – Most of the religions have a very similar theme, they teach us a healthy way of life. Follow a religion that you are inclined to, read about it and try and follow their customs. You will surely feel happy, contented and peaceful.
- Spend time with family, nature and animals – Spend quality time with your family and friends. Not just going out in a party, restaurant or club. Sit and have a proper meaningful conversation. Do not just talk about clothes, movies and sports. Talk about life, about purpose.
- Spend time with Nature and Animals – Remove time and go for a walk on the beach, a walk in a garden, go for a trek, cuddle with some animals, feed them food etc.
- Stop the weekend culture – Most of the people work in stressful environment 5-6 days a week and party hard on weekends and this cycle continues. This is harmful in the long run, the weekend really makes us happy but the weekdays become worse to bear. It is like 24 days of the month you are very sad and 6days you are happy. Try and remove time to unwind daily, so that you do not wait for the weekend every time.
- Spend less time with gadgets – We are spending a lot of free time with Electronics – TV, Phones, Laptops etc. Stop playing games on phones. Stop watching reality shows, sports, dramatic serials, news. 20-30 mins of screen-time for refreshment is ok, but nowadays people are spending 3-5 hours daily.
- Work-life balance – Do not let office stress affect your personal life. Do not get so engrossed in making a living, that you forget how to live. Do not get your work at home.
- Continue a hobby – Spend time to learn new things or polish your old hobbies like singing, swimming, painting, cooking, playing sports, photography etc. Hobbies keep you happy and smiling.
- Do not compare – Do not compare your life with others. Everyone has many good things in life and many bad things. The same applies to us. We may have a good happy family life, a disease-free body but we would be sad if we see someone who is richer than us or more good looking, those people might have few things that you don’t have. So do not compare with anyone.
- Seek help – Last but not the least – whenever you feel low or depressed, it is always better to open up with people you are close to. You may also approach your doctor or a therapist to talk things out. Not sharing your troubles is one of the worst decisions you will take. It’s okay to say ‘You are not okay”.
Try and follow at least five of the above things and see the difference. Let us know in the comment section which 5 things you have chosen, we will keep in touch with you for all the three months and encourage you to follow them.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Very helpful Sr.
We are glad you liked it Ashutosh
The blog was very useful